Capuchin Prayer Companions
We humbly ask you to pray for us. Prayer is a foundation of our Capuchin life. As a fraternal community, we gather to pray several times throughout the day for the intentions placed in our care. But the Capuchins need prayers too. Can we count you among our faithful Capuchin Prayer Partners?
When you become a Capuchin Prayer Partner, we will email you each week with prayer intentions that reflect some of the needs of our Capuchin brothers.
Latest Petitions:
Prayer petitions posted May 18, 2018
- For the repose of the soul of Bro. Saúl Soriano, OFM Cap., who passed away Monday, May 7.
- For the Soriano Family and all the friars – especially, Bro. Saúl’s classmates and brothers at Capuchin College – as they grieve his passing.
- For Bro. Phil White as he prepares for his ordination to the priesthood on Saturday, June 2.
- For our Provincial Minister, Fr. Tom Betz, as he visits the Capuchin friars in Papua New Guinea, and for his safe return to the United States.
- For all the friars of the Province of St. Augustine, as we prepare for our annual Assembly during the week of May 21.