By dying on the cross for us, our Lord showed us how to love one another. It isn’t always easy, but it’s always the right thing to do. Friars come from different backgrounds, each having his own opinions, seeing things from different perspectives and having his good and bad days. Throughout all of this, the command that Jesus gives remains: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
A friar’s fraternal life can lead him to pray in joy and thanksgiving, or to beg for God’s forgiveness and strength.
A friar is called to love his brothers; he is also called to show that same Christ-like love to everyone, not that he might be loved in return, but that all might come to know the tremendous love that God has for them. His love overcomes all that afflicts and divides us.
From the call of his first disciples, God continues to invite men to follow His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ as Capuchins.
Every friar knows that he has been called and that his entire life is a response to God’s invitation. The friar knows that he follows our Savior on the way of the cross, of being the least rather than the greatest, the last rather than the first, to serve rather than be served, to give rather than receive. Imitating Christ and St. Francis, young student friars trust in God’s promise that His love will never fail.

Providing care for sick and elderly friars is a value of the Capuchin friars.
Capuchin friars share a special fraternal spirit for their brothers who suffer with health afflictions or diminishing agility due to age. Francis encouraged the friars to embrace their suffering and frailty as a means of solidarity with the Crucified Lord.
The Capuchins have established a fund for the support of their sick and elderly friars. Capuchin senior friars exchange their life of service to the Order and Catholic Church for a life of prayer.
From the Blog
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Bro. Tage Danielson
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Bro. David Domanski
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