Who We Are

Life & Spirit
The Rule and Life of the friars minor is to observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living the Gospel life in truth, simplicity and joy today.
Ministry & Mission
Capuchin friars serve the Church and world by sharing their faith in Jesus Christ in word and deed among the poor, wealthy, and in between.

From the call of his first disciples, God continues to invite men to follow His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ as Capuchins.
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From the Blog
Five Friars Make Solemn Vows
It was the promise of a lifetime – to live the Rule of St. Francis…forever. On August 18, Brothers Tommy Piolata, Ross Henley, David Domanski, Alex Hostoffer and Andrew Corriente made their perpetual profession in the presence of their families, friends and Capuchin...
Bro. Tage Danielson
"I liked the prospect of following in the footsteps of St. Francis, who desired to love Jesus with all of his being, and to love all people as his brothers and sisters." I attended college at American University in Washington, DC. I am grateful that the priests and...
Bro. David Domanski
"The vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience enable me to more fully answer the call to fraternity and ministry within our Catholic Church as a Capuchin friar." My journey into Capuchin religious life has been guided by many life experiences and encounters with...