The Life & Spirit of the Capuchin Friars
To observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

Inspired by the life of our founder, St. Francis of Assisi, Capuchin friars seek to follow Jesus Christ in simplicity and joy.
God’s tremendous love moved Francis to love the outcast and forgotten, creation in all of its wonder and power, and even his imperfect brothers.
St. Francis gave himself completely to Christ who, out of love for us, was born in a stable and died on the cross. Gazing upon that cross and Him who was crucified, Francis “became a prayer himself.” Devoted to the presence of Christ in the Mass, formed by the Word of God in Scripture, and overwhelmed by God’s presence in the solitude of his own heart, Francis embraced the grace of prayer. The Capuchin friars seek to embrace that grace through prayer too.
Under the Cross gathered those who saw in Francis a great joy and new purpose in life.

Where do Capuchins give witness to the Gospel truth, with simplicity and joy?

For the Soul
“He’s Got You!”
Bro. Andrew McCarty considers the Lord’s immeasurable love for us, noting “We are His beloved.” Bro. Andrew offers three opportunities for us to experience this and to be witnesses to others.
Inspiration: The Load We Carry
Two monks were traveling to a holy shrine. When they came to a river, they found a young woman who wanted to cross the river but she was not strong enough to resist the tide. The younger of the two monks offered to carry the young woman across on his shoulders. When...

Send a Prayer Request
Prayer is a dynamic element of the Capuchin charism.
Capuchins gather throughout the day for fraternal prayers of praise, thanksgiving, mercy, and petition. Individually, friars also spend time in contemplative prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The friars invite you to share your petitions so they may offer them in prayer each day.