A Capuchin Vocation

Contact A Vocation Director
In his first apostolic letter, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis wrote, “Wherever there is life, fervor, and a desire to bring Christ to others, genuine vocations will arise.” The Holy Father added, “…the fraternal life and fervor of the community can awaken in the young a desire to consecrate themselves completely to God and to the preaching of the Gospel.”
It is not unusual for a man to wonder if he has a call to religious life. Being attentive to that wonder is the first step of discernment. Engaging others who can offer input and feedback is a wise step in the discernment process. Personal prayer, a conversation with God, is vital too. Each can be a source in offering clarity to your discernment.


• single, Catholic male
• age 18-40
• completed high school education

One of the first steps in discerning a Capuchin vocation is to connect with the vocation director. He can be instrumental in providing information as well as feedback about religious life as a Capuchin, the vocation discernment process, as well as describing the path to becoming a Capuchin friar.

A vocation to religious life as a Capuchin friar begins with a simple connection. If you would like to communicate with one of our vocation directors, submit this form.

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